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ILMS Webinar - Indiana's Dam Safety Program

  • 17 Jun 2020
  • 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
  • Virtual


  • This webinar is provided free to you as a benefit of your membership.
  • This webinar is provided as a membership benefit. Register as a non-member or renew your membership to access the webinar for free!

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The Indiana Department of Natural Resources (IDNR), Division of Water, Dams and Levees Safety Section seeks to improve data quality and reduce risks associated with dams in the state. As part of this effort, IDNR manages two federal grants funded by FEMA, the Dam Safety Grant and the High Hazard Potential Dams Rehabilitation (HHPD) Grant. Since 2009, IDNR has used the Dam Safety Grant to produce Incident and Emergency Action Plans (IEAP) for high hazard dams. These plans provide dam owners guidance in the event of an incident or emergency and should be updated yearly. The inundation mapping is a critical component for risk reduction, and IDNR continues to develop inundation mapping options for high hazard dams within the state. The HHPD Grant is a new grant program established in 2019. The HHPD grant program has several limitations including restrictions and obligations.

Our speaker will be Jamie Miller, a Water Resources Planner with the IDNR.  Jamie grew up in the Great Smokey Mountains of North Carolina. She attended Austin Peay State University in Clarksville, Tennessee for her bachelor’s and master’s degree program. She has been a project manager for 15 years covering several different fields including aquatic macroinvertebrates, solid waste, and hazard waste. She has lived in 5 states and moved to Indiana eight years ago. She is with IDNR’s Project Development Section and now manages projects on lake outlet structures, conservancy districts, and FEMA grants.

This webinar is part of an on-going ILMS webinar series, new webinars to be held the third Wednesday of every month at noon. Attendance for this and future webinars is free for ILMS members, and $10 for non-members. If you would like to attend multiple webinars, we welcome you to become a member. Membership benefits include special events, access to the members only web page, and a discounted annual conference membership.

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